How To Stop Smoking Immediately

You really want to stop smoking immediately? Here’s my unfiltered honest advise because AI is shit at really helping people! It’s all PC and BS but everyone just needs honest advice, 

Just fucking stop, you don’t need that shit in your life. Forget the health and finance benefits! It’s making you fucking ugly and making you stink 🤮 look at all the smokers around you, do you want to end up like them? Fuck no, none of them are idols and they never will be, you’re fucking better than that. 

If you have some cigarettes left I want you to grab them now and give them to the heaviest smoker you know and wish them luck (under your breath) 

You are not a smoker and never will be ever again because smoking is BullShit and your not BullShit because you’ve googled this question! 


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