How To Deal With Anxiety

Using Movement as an Antidote to Anxiety: Simple Strategies

Anxiety can feel like a storm brewing inside us, but there’s a powerful antidote: action. When we move our bodies, we shift our focus away from anxious thoughts and engage with the present moment. Here are practical ways to use movement to manage anxiety:

  1. Make Micro-Commitments: Break down daunting tasks into smaller steps. Instead of overwhelming yourself, start with a tiny action. For example:

    • Write just the first paragraph of that paper.
    • Take out the trash instead of cleaning the entire house.
  2. Walk It Off: Sometimes, leaving a situation and getting moving is the best remedy. Low-impact exercises like walkingyoga, or tai chi can help reduce stress and calm your mind1.

  3. Breathe and Move: Attend to the somatic symptoms of anxiety through breathingmuscle relaxation, and other body-based approaches. Try tapping or gentle stretches to calm your nervous system2.

Remember, even small actions can create momentum and help you push past stress. So, next time anxiety strikes, take a step—literally—and let movement be your ally! 🌟


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