How To Achieve An Alcohol Free Lifestyle - My Honest Advice!

 You’ve gotta love AI to create content but my last post was very similar to most shit on the internet so on this one I’m gonna tell you How To Achieve An Alcohol Free Lifestyle with my unfiltered Honest Advice!

Don’t continue if you don’t like swearing just fuck off to another BS PC website…. 

Alcohol is poison and it’s absolute bullshit to keep it in your life in fact, it should be fucking illegal

It turns people stupid it makes people poor and it adds fuck all to your life

Worst of all if you have kids your setting and very bad example 

Stop buying it

Stop having in the house

Delete all your alcoholic friends forever

Find new healthy friends say go to the gym, cycle clubs etc etc 

You will save so much fucking money, but you can go on a holiday every two months

Stop drinking today and keep a spreadsheet Day by day on how much you’re saving you will be shocked! 

As a bonus, you’ve just given yourself a massive pay rise while everyone else is destroying the livers and becoming idiots

Congratulations, this is your alcohol free lifestyle 💫💖💫


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