A Personal Message From Me 💜

 Hi all, I’ve been so productive trying to give you all as much valuable information as possible I thought I would write this post and say thank you for all your visits to my blog and I hope I have helped you out even in a small way, even that counts! 

I am definitely harnessing the help of AI otherwise it would have taken me years not weeks to get the latest information out to you! 

Over the last week I have created and posted over 500 videos on YouTube about financial literacy as I know this is not a topic covered anywhere! 

Just so you know, I have been working in finance for over 25 years so I know a bit about it but I am using AI to speed up the process so I can get as much valuable content as possible to help you all out. 

If your interested my YouTube channel is called Victoria Fisk (pink background with a V) I don’t want to post the link here to be braggy because I’m not like that although I have posted a few YouTube links in previous finance posts if your interested. 

Heh ho, it’s 6:30 am here in the uk on a Saturday morning so I think I’m going to do a few more videos, I have a list of 2 pages of unanswered finance questions! Then I will take my cocker spaniel for a nice long walk and maybe cook myself a healthy meal! 

Please guys & gals feel free to comment on any of my posts if you have any unanswered questions and I will try to help. The only thing I will say is that this blog is a safe place so no nastiness will be tolerated. 

Big Love



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