Work Smarter Not Harder Examples

 Let’s say you hate doing paperwork which we all hate but it no longer needs to take hours, automate it. Pay a software company £30 a month and you can automatically upload your bank statements to the software, train the software to automatically code the transactions to the relevant nominal codes, this includes vat too! And take 5 minutes a week to go through and check and train the software is doing the job correctly before you know  it you’ve saved £10k a year on a bookkeeper. 

Batch cook on Sunday, so you have a whole weeks meals ready no more cooking for a week just reheating and it’s cheaper

Instead of paying public transport get your motorcycle licence, buy a cheap bike and benefit from free parking and low fuel costs and get to places quicker with no delays. 

Use AI to come up with amazing content for your website and advertising 

I could go on and on.. 


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