Why are some people so draining and how to make it stop

 Some people may feel emotionally draining due to a variety of factors. They might have certain behaviors or personality traits that can be particularly challenging for others to deal with. Here are some reasons why someone might come across as draining:

  1. Constant Demands: They may frequently ask for more than you can give, seeking attention and support without offering anything in return1.
  2. Never Satisfied: They might never seem content, always pushing for more or finding fault in what others do1.
  3. Guilt-Inducing: They could use guilt, shame, or passive-aggressive remarks to make you feel bad for not meeting their expectations1.
  4. Negativity: They may have a tendency to focus on the negative aspects of situations, which can bring down the mood of those around them2.
  5. Lack of Boundaries: They might not respect personal boundaries, which can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed or taken advantage of2.
  6. Emotional Baggage: Unresolved emotional issues can lead them to lean heavily on others for support2.
  7. Manipulative Behavior: They may use manipulation to get their needs met, which can be exhausting for others to handle2.

It’s important to remember that these behaviors might stem from their own unmet needs, past traumas, or mental health conditions. Setting clear boundaries and practicing self-care are essential when dealing with emotionally draining individuals. If you find yourself consistently drained by someone, it may be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a professional to manage the relationship in a healthy way

If that doesn’t work, delete and block them from your life…
