How to stop attracting narcissists

 Stand strong, hold your head high and know exactly what you want. 

If people make demands, say no.

If people say your selfish Say I don’t care

If people say you’re a bully, tell them to fuck off

If people say why don’t you answer your phone say I’m busy

People turn up at your door uninvited don’t offer them a Drink And ignore them 

These twats are addicted to you because of your positive vibes and enthusiasm for life because this is all their lacking in their lives. Don’t let them bleed your energy let them wallow in their own mess which they created.

The quickest and easiest way To notice if a new friend is an narcissist is to test their empathy believe it or not one in 10 people is a narcissist so this is a very important strategy to deter them out of your life forever.

I find it easier to think of a narcissist as an adult child that’s been given no discipline because they don’t act like adults they have no boundaries everything’s there’s And they don’t give a shit about anyone else this is a typical feral child example. 

You’re the adult here and it’s up to you which children you want in your life not!!! 
