How to spot a narcissist early when dating in a relationship woman man friend at work on social media

 The quickest and easiest way to Spot a narcissist is to test their empathy! 

Just so you know, one out of 10 people are narcissists so it’s vital to find out as quickly as possible For your safety. 

So let’s delve straight into this! 

First of all make plans with this person and before the plans happen change them and see how they react if they have empathy and can understand why you change the plans they are probably not a narcissist but on the other hand if they get upset and angry and have no empathy Then their more likely to Be a narcissist. 

Another way to test them is to be vulnerable and share some upsetting news or lies and see if they react with an empathetic manner. 

Being brought up with a narcissistic mother and a narcissistic boyfriend I know way too well how these people fuck with your lives and you being a kind gentle and honest person don’t need this shit in your life.

You are your own bodyguard protect yourself and surround yourself by nice people because no one else is going to do it for you

All my love v xx 


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