Crazy Bitch Mode

A happy woman with tattoos

Crazy bitch mode involves a blend of self-awareness, assertiveness, and genuine kindness. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Be Assertive Without Aggression:

  2. Set Boundaries:

    • Nice people often struggle with setting boundaries. Understand that it’s okay to prioritize your well-being.
    • Identify areas where you need to stand up for yourself and communicate your limits.
  3. Self-Reflection:

    • Reflect on past experiences that shaped your behavior. Recognize patterns and learn from them.
    • Understand why you hold back or fear rejection. Challenge those beliefs.
  4. Dream Small, Act Big:

    • Start by asserting yourself in small situations. Gradually expand your comfort zone.
    • Write down your needs and desires. Share them with others, even if it feels uncomfortable.

Remember, being assertive doesn’t mean sacrificing kindness. You can advocate for yourself while maintaining empathy and respect for others. ðŸ˜Š
