How to become rich if your poor

 You could earn £1,000,000 per year or you could be on £20,000 per year but believe it or not you could earn more but be poor because it all has to do with your expectations and expenses! 

So for example, if you’re on £1 million a year and your expenses are 990,000 you’ve made a profit of £1000 a year on the other hand if you earn £20,000 and your expenses are £5000 you made a profit of £15,000 therefore the person earning £20,000 a year is better off Because they have less outgoings .

If you’re bad with money, you will always be poor. It’s all about educating yourself to invest your money wisely to get back the biggest return rather than wasting it on coffees at Costa.

Working in finance, I see this all the time that’s why all the lottery winners you see Are rich and then poor  Because they haven’t trained their spending habits and then they spend 2 million pounds on a house which costs £200,000 a year to maintain but by that time they’ve spent the rest of the money. 

So that now they have a debt of 200,000 because they did not foresee that expense and they have spent all their money. 

Be humble, spend wisely and Respect your money

V xx 
