How to be healthy when you’re around unhealthy people

How to be healthy when you’re around unhealthy people

First of all, you’re going to have to distance yourself from unhealthy people and unhealthy habits to reset yourself.

Once you’ve done this, you need to set yourself a routine Of healthy habits and healthy people to be around. 

Your default needs to be health and when unhealthy people enter your life This default needs to always be there.

People Will try to convince you otherwise But you know what’s best. 

When everyone else is in the bar, you’re doing your hours exercise sweating your tits off and having fun.

When everyone else is drunk and eating kebabs, you’re sober and eating an extremely healthy diet.

When everyone else is eating biscuits, you’re drinking water and eating fruit.

Eventually, you’ll find your tribe that will join you in the most healthy and happiest habits of your life. 

By default, these unhealthy people will disappear from your life without even trying because they do not hold the same mantra as you do. 

Health is wealth. You got this…

V xx


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