Be Your Own Role Model - the only option to be happy and healthy

Being your own role model is the most important thing you can do because if you follow people that are not what you aspire to your on the path of not succeeding in life. 

The first step is writing your Obituary and detailing everything you want in your life and telling the story of how you want your life. For example, health, happiness, good friends, travel, work etc… 

This is the  best way to view how you want to live as it will highlight quite a few people and situations in your life that you need to delete from today! It may even include nasty family members! 

Now we’ve done the personal stuff, who do you see yourself as a leader in what industry?  Ie: tech mastermind, results mathematician, reverse cancer specialist through predominantly plant foods ,  laughter specialist in relationships…. The list goes on but give yourself a fun title as this’ll encourage you to have fun and help people too. 

Now your life’s passion and purpose  is going to be able to help people in the most amazing ways that they will pay you thousands for your expertise and keep coming back for your amazing services, products of maybe just your desire to help in amazing ways. 

You have been put on this planet to do amazing things, don’t be mediocre, be amazing 
