How To Save Money And Make It Feel Fun UK

Lets make this a game and make saving money fun!

Start with your biggest expense - mortgage or rent, is there any way you can decrease your interest rates on your mortgage by remortgaging? can you rent a smaller space because your house is too big? can you rent a room out? can you rent your garage as storage space? do you have savings that are giving you a lower interest rate that the one your being charged on your mortgage? if so pay down your mortgage with an amount you can reasonably afford.

Fun fact: can you sell your house and downsize?

Car repayments, can you get a lower interest rate if you refinance with another company? if you have saving as above that are paying lower interest rates than the finance company is charging can you pay a reasonable amount off to reduce the interest amounts? 

Fun Fact: Can you sell your car and downsize

Electricity & Gas - Shop around to see if any other companies offer a lower rate but watch out for the standing charge as this could be higher meaning you're not making any savings. A modern boiler uses less electricity and is more energy efficient check the price and the future savings. Maybe wash up instead of using the dishwasher if there's not much to wash up. Get an instant boiling water tap fitted to reduce your kettle expenses.

Fun Fact: Try Turing off everything except the fridge for a few hours a day

Council tax  - check that you're in the right rates category but be careful as this could backfire and you could be charged more so do your research before asking the VOA. 

Fun Fact: If your the only one over 18 in your home you can claim 25% discount (check with your council)

Mobile Phone - can you get a better deal with another company, compare and get a new contract if yours is up

Fun Fact: Instead of getting a new mobile contract every year with a new phone, keep you phone and get a sim only contract for 1/4 of the price

Water Rates - Shower instead of bath - no fun facts here!

Groceries - Make large batch recipes ie chilli, curry (add rice, jacket potato, vegetables) moussaka, lasagne, cottage pie, (add vegetables)

Fun Fact: Home made meals are healthier than processed meals and you get a lot more for your money without the saturated fat

Coffee - Stop buying the £6 coffee a day = £186 Per Month = £2,232 Per year

Fun Fact: buy a cappuccino  maker and make it at home

Pub & Eating Out - Do it but less often 

Fun Fact: See if you can make your 1 drink last the same time as everyone elses 2 drinks  & start doing your chef thing at home

Smoking - Fun Fact: a good excuse to quit

Bad Habits - Fun Fact: a good excuse to quit

Exercise - Fun Fact: a good excuse to take it up 
