How to get over a narcissist ex boyfriend

That Ex Hah!!! you were basically dating a 2 year old child that got their way by lying and manipulating everyone to get their own way.

That's the crux of it basically!!!

They chose you because you are a strong individual that can support yourself and have strong values on honesty and empathy which they lack massively! 

Im an accountant and every debit has a credit!! basically every positive has a negative!!!

Sometimes when you're so positive and try to have a balance on your life in a nutshell you're going to attract people that need that in their own lives! because they have a destructive nature their attracted to you which is a good thing but this means you attract the wrong type of people!!!

You don't need to get over your narcissist ex boyfriend, you need to realise they were using you to make them look good, if that worked! NOT!

You got this, they needed you more than you needed them! do you remember the last time they supported you? I thought not!

do you remember the time they cooked you a meal and said I LOVE YOU? I thought not!

When you discovered a secret child they had behind your back and they denied it and said you were going mad even though you had evidence ----- was this love? NOT!

When they tried to destroy your possessions and say it was nature! Love? Not!!!

I dunno if  need to go on any more but their absolute cunts that don't even deserve prison  as that's too good for them.

Anyway had my rant - back to taking care of myself and people I love, these cunts don't deserve any more of our time wasted on them..........
