How to deal with bullshitters

 I have a numerous amount of bullshitters and narcissists in my area so overtime I’m learning they mean nothing to me.

I noticed, mainly, they asked bullshit questions, so I either look strangely At them or don’t answer So basically their having a bullshit conversation with themselves. 

In my WhatsApp conversations, I archive all the bullshitters so when I get a text I don’t get a notification and I choose when I look at these messages because I know they’re not important.

The other helpful tip Is to block them on social media so they can’t comment on any of your posts. You know they’re all gonna be negative. 

The truth is the matter is, if you stay professional and discipline yourself to only do things you want to do not what they wanna do. You’ll be a happier person. 

From my understanding bullshitters And narcissist all have something to hide, and they’re just trying to mirror onto you.

You don’t need these people in your life, they’re only using you. 
