Why Do I Feel Lost Empty Lonely Alone Sad in My Relationship Marriage Without My Ex

 You've basically been brainwashed by other people and situations, you've been put down, mistreated, and you don't feel what you have is what you want.

Other people are trying to control your life and if you don't take it back your going to go down a deeper rabbit hole and loose yourself completely.

Who are you? Im me

What are you? Im a loving person

Why do people take advantage of me? because I let them

What do you hate about your life? Certain adults that treat me badly

What are you going to do? Im going to delete them completely out of my life

What's the first step? Block them on social media so they can't criticise me on line

What's the second step? Stop talking to them completely and offer them no ammunition 

What's the third step? Stop going to the places they go so you don't bump into them unless your with a good friend (s)

And Finally? Find Nice people to associate with and live a happy fulfilling life.....

OOOh im worried!!!

What if these people still pursue me? no eye contact, no communication for however long it takes for them to find a new target...

There you go... you got this xxx
