How To Like Yourself Again

 Have you spend so long being put down by other people? well that's going to change from NOW!!!

Become the bodyguard of your brain, do not let anyones thoughts into your brain without interviewing that individual and making sure they are good for you and not bad for you, it also works the other way around! Always be nice and never put anyone down!!

There are 2 types of people in this world and you can be the medium to happy person or you can be the Angry alcoholic / druggie!

Choose wisely but im guessing on your google search you want to be the happy one.

it may be a surprise to you but our grandparents were told to break their children to make them and its highly likely your parents did the same! you probably have mixed feelings like they hate us or their not our real parents but I like to believe the "break your child" concept.

Surprisingly you have always liked yourself but no one else has! this no longer matters as you are in control of who you spend your time with and if you select professionals that want the world to be a better place that's a good starting point.

Do the trust test... tell them a secret and if they tell everyone their definitely not your friend!

Besides people start the health test and  you will attract the right people just by doing these things

Eat Healthily

Get regular exercise / go to the gym / get a home gym

Positive attitude

Spend your time doing stuff you enjoy

I hope this helps...
