How To Feel Happy Again

 If you’re feeling unhappy, it’s because you’re surrounding yourself with miserable people. 

Start your day connecting to positive people and positive things and your life will change for the better. 

It’s amazing how negative people can destroy your life in seconds so you need to delete these people out of your life and replace them with positive, good  people. 

If it’s the weekend, call, text your favourite buddies and meet up. Even if you cook a roast dinner and invite them around. So long as everyone is happy and positive it’ll be a great day, if they’re negative it’ll be a shit day so be careful who you choose. 

Sundays are a great day to do this…

Wake up with your favourite cuppa tea, get an hours exercise, shower, prep a roast dinner, watch a movie, talk to friends and basically do what makes you happy 🥰 life’s about doing the things you love, feel the way you feel all day long…
