how to reduce anxiety immediately

If you want to reduce your anxiety immediately, you need to understand how it works. I’ll tell you a short story about me.

I was brought up in a household that was hateful and not caring, and nothing was predictable!  later I went on to get myself into a relationship that was exactly the same because it was familiar, but I  didn’t know my body had always been anxiety mode! 

I’m now living without this person and  I still get anxiety once in a while, because my body is still re adjusting to no threat 100% of the time.

It’s ok to be nervous because you can’t control anything else only yourself, but this is a natural feeling to protect you and it needs to be there to keep you safe. 

We sometimes use substance abuse to cover the feeling up, but it just makes it worse. Your anxiety is a natural way to protect you against anything you don’t like and it’s just been active full-time.

Realise that you’re not in danger 100% of the time, take back control of your life and be happy.

Last tip, if you do you get anxious, your body is just Readjusting from the habit of being anxious to not being anxious and after time It will get better - yes you heard me!!!

Being Anxious is a habit!!! 

Also, the other useful tip is when certain people make you nervous or anxious this means you shouldn’t be around them because they do not align with your purpose so limit time and conversations with these people. There’s hundreds of people in the world, you don’t need to speak to these ones. 

I hope this helps you out, it has helped me xxx 

Enjoy your journey of finding good people to be around xxx

I’m not a professional psychiatrist, doctor Just an observationist!  so please see a professional if you need expert  help
