How to be kind to yourself

 Being kind to yourself is extremely important in a world of hate.

Give yourself time to reflect on your values, and if people don’t like them, they’re just Not your type of people

Clean the house, put flowers in each room and make your environment kind to your sanity

Eat healthy meals, surround yourself with a good people and best of all have a laugh

Maybe take a day off work and have a ME day

If People say hurtful things, just walk away you’re better than that.

Life is all about kindness and not hate, and when I say kindness, I don’t mean generosity Where you don’t get reciprocated.

Kindness is a gesture, not giving things away that won’t be given back.

Good people don’t ask for your money or to borrow stuff very often, but bad people want everything you’ve got and the word you need to learn is no. 
