How To Stop Putting Yourself Down Faster

I personally don’t understand why people put themselves down, but in the instant, it is obviously an issue! 

The only help I can assist you with is that I think positively about everything even tax bills! If you’re paying more tax, you’re earning more money what’s the negative? 

Anyway, back to you, why are you putting yourself down? Where is it getting you it’s making you depressed probably making you drink more and probably making you less friends. 

From today, start setting some very healthy boundaries. The first being Talk to yourself positively you are a good person and you are capable of amazing things. Don’t let the negativity get in the way. 

There may be past experiences that have caused this to happen say like a parent putting you down or being overly protective. These are both negative traits that you need to eliminate from your life.

Start today with a fresh start of healthy eating, healthy conversations, helping people and being positive one hundred percent of the time and you’ll be amazed how many more people talk to you, and want to know more about you. You’ll want to do more things you’ll want to be more interesting.

On a final note, don’t even fucking think of putting a negative comment on  here you miserable arsehole!!!

Cheer up and be happy

