How To Become A Stronger Minded Person But Not A Dick

I’d like to stay, firstly, that you can’t tell people what to do. That’s not what a strong minded person does.

A strong minded person knows their values, knows their boundaries, knows their limits and is successful and healthy in all of these qualities. 

If you want to offer advice,  educate rather than tell someone what to do and appreciate if you get it wrong, that’s your bag and learn from it.

Not one single person in the whole world, knows everything, and we are all learning and evolving every single day and just accept that.

So to get back to being a strong minded person you have to have exceptional expectations of just yourself and others will follow. Be the leader of health, educated information, and quality of life.

There will be numerous mistakes along the way, so long as you learn from it and don’t get angry over it and don’t make the same mistake again You’ll become a stronger minded person.

Be the person you’d look up to

You got this…

