Surviving The Narcissism Epidemic And Leading A Happy Life

Oh my god, I’m reading everything everywhere and everyone is scared of narcissists! That is definitely not the way to live! 

I’ve dealt with narcissists my whole life and they’re not dangerous, they’re just control freaks. 

I see them everywhere and luckily I only have to deal with the ones I’m related too or have a child with 🙄

They try to control people and situations everywhere but admittedly their exhaustion starts showing up badly in midlife.

I’m tired even thinking of trying to control people and situations, but I’m a pretty chilled human being with strong boundaries for these people.

Don’t ever be scared, if you see the signs stand up to your morals and set healthy boundaries and tell them to stop controlling you. This is especially good when said in front of other people. 

We’re not going to end the narcissism epidemic but we can try to alleviate it a little atleast for you 

Big hugs
Vikki xxx
