how to live a happier healthier life

I basically quit everything negative, negative people, negative situations, negative actions and replace them with positive people, positive situations and positive actions. 

There’s a lot of professional idiots, stupid people and blamers in todays society and they basically need to F Off 

So start today with what ever you need to do

Loose weight

Eat healthier


Start your own business 

Buy a failing business that has no website and  digitalise is to make it profitable 

Ditch your partner if their horrible  

Stop speaking to negative people 

And finally make everything positive in your life. 

There’s a lot of people that think paying taxes is negative but actually the more taxes you pay the more your earning so that’s a massive positive 

Earn as much as you like just don’t be childish with your money and spend all of it and live paycheque to paycheque.

Live like a poor person and save the rest for that holiday you might need. 
