How To Be In Control

Let’s just clarify if you want to be in control this does not include controlling other people  or their actions especially in relationships or families, you can only control YOUR behaviour, actions and responses. 

Control is also not a good  word, I prefer to use the word masterpiece. 

How I create my masterpiece is to know what I want, go get it and educate everyone about it and if they like it it’s a bonus. 

The word control is so antiquated for the world we use to live in that no longer exists, it’s all about collaboration with people and the world. 

Fighting does work on a small scale (let’s say a minute) but if you want to make it big, collaboration works on a lifetime scale (for the rest of your life) 

I’ve seen numerous businesses and relationships break up because people are trying to control other people and it doesn’t work, it never has 
