learning finance for beginners

Think of finance like your life is a business is the easiest way to learn. 

I managed £2,500,000 worth of assets for a corporation so I kinda know what I’m talking about.

It’s all about income vs expenditure (money coming in vs money going out) plus your assets (house etc that you can attain (buy) or dispose (sell) should you need to and your liabilities (loans, money you owe)

Financial terms are also really important to understand so us finance bunnies don’t pull the wool over your eyes should I say. 

Here are a few to get you started 

Trial Balance (TB) - a summary of all your assets, liabilities, bank balances, income & expenditure in a debit or credit style 

Balance sheet  - the top half of the trial balance with a summary of all your assets, liabilities, bank balances

Profit and loss (P&L) - the bottom half of your TB (trial balance) includes your income & expenditure

Asset- something you can sell (house, property)

Liability - something you owe (loan, car finance, mortgage)

Sorry only had 5 minutes, I’m just off to work but will continue this when I return 👌 speak soon vikki 
