how to talk to a narcissistic parent or ex

 One word… don’t

Stop calling them, ignore there texts, don’t reply.

You might need to give them a small taster by letting them know your still there by answering say one call or text saying your busy but eventually they’ll give up and find someone else. 

How do I know this? My mum is an extreme narcissist and only calls when she has cancer again or a problem, I help her by ignoring her to learn to deal with it herself.

My ex of 24 years! I know! Highlighted his narcissistic behaviour during COVID and it got worse by the day, I eventually hid all my personal belongings in the car, hid the car told him to leave straightaway and give me the house key.

There’s no helping these people unless they help themselves first, don’t waste your energy and most importantly protect your brain, your not a bad person.

If you need to speak to them, just talk about facts but even this can become exhausting if you reply to a nasty comment. If they make a nasty comment just ignore or walk away, don’t react. 

You got this x 
