How To Deal With Difficult People

 well im not going to pussy foot around this subject, difficult people are everywhere, my mother is difficult , my ex of 24 years is a difficult  person and these cunts keep turning up!

you aint gotta deal with this or their problems so basically tell them to fuck off, delete them from your contacts and ignore them completely until they go away 100%

now the next step is to avoid them in the future knowing their going to zap you of all your energy so you have to interview them as a kinda testing ground

the big red flags to watch out for is...

They don't listen

They speak over you

They play the blame game

Their loners 

They put you down

They ask for money

They turn up at your house uninvited

They text you 15 times a day with unnessasary information

They always ask what your doing 


If your job entails one of these cunts or dare I say 2 or more! and you want to keep your job your going to have to big them up and say their amazing to feed their ego and then they will find a new target instead of you

just remember your in charge and these cunts can only enter your life if you give them authority

Go Girl... Or boy...
