how to stop procrastinating

 Write a large list of everything you need to do, then break it down again into 15 minute chunks, or if you can break it into 5 minute chunks. 

Write every chunk on 1 post it note and stack them so you only see the first task. 

The next thing  is to get started and chuck those post it notes slowly in the bin so you have none or one  left. 

A good tip is to only put the tasks you can complete on that day so you don’t overwhelm yourself and to leave the other tasks on your large list. 

So basically you have a large list of everything that you’re going to breakdown on post it notes for one day only. 

Unfortunately this list is probably never ending but you will get a lot done and maybe even surprise yourself and complete the large list altogether! If you do go out and treat yourself x  

You can do this x 

Ps if you’ve been procrastinating for a long time, force yourself to START because the larger picture is always scary but it’ll never get done if you don’t START 

Turn on some motivational music and START 
