How to set healthy boundaries

 You can’t look after everyone and everyone else is responsible for their emotions, you are only responsible for your life to treat yourself kindly, responsibly and with healthy boundaries. 

For example if someone may get into your car and get a cigarette out and about to light it but your car has never had a smoker in it so you need to stop them straight away by saying “you may smoke in your car, but this is a non smoking car. If you need a cigarette please get out and do it outside” 

You don’t need to be nasty, just communicate your boundaries clearly and don’t let people cross them. 

If someone serves you an unhealthy meal say “ thank you but unfortunately I can’t  eat this kind of food, I’m on  a “healthy only diet” 

If someone just turns up at your door, say “it’s nice to see you but can you please call before turning up, I’m busy”

You get the gist! Again, you don’t need to tell them to fuck off which is very tempting haha just be assertive

You got this 
