How To Stop Bulimia Nervosa

I’ve had this problem and the only way I have stopped doing it is to educate myself on what my bodies needs. 

Roughly the body is made up from 80% water and 17% proteins which means my plate should be this with the remaining 3% carbs.

Have you noticed that when ever you force yourself to be sick it’s  because you are rejecting what your body would normally turn into fat and you purge because you don’t want to get fat like everyone else! 

So basically if you stick to veggies and proteins you don’t want to get them back out of your body because they won’t turn into fat.


If you eat lots of crisps, biscuits, cakes, donuts and crap you know your body is going to turn this into fat so you’re going to go straight to the loo and be sick!!! 

My rule for my body = 

80% water & veggies & salad
17% protein & meat
3% treat on carbs 

Sometimes I can’t keep up with my protein and essential vitamins so I drink a whey protein shake for breakfast which fills me up for half the day then I will eat a full balanced meal with sparkling water

I hope this helps x 
