How To Instantly Get Someone To Leave You Alone

There’s nothing more annoying than someone having a fixation on you and it’s normally because they want to go out with you but you don’t want to go out with them, I’ve had this so I completely understand how frustrating it is when they don’t listen.

My top tips are to give them as little information about what you’re up to as possible and just do your own thing and meet your friends (not theirs) 

Don’t instantly respond to their demanding texts and think clearly what “your” plans are for the day

If you socialise in the same places, go by yourself rather than with them and don’t tell them when your going so all of your friends know your not “together”

Talk to your friends about the situation so everyone has your back and if need be call the police but they will only tell you to “cut all communication” unless there are threats involved then this is a job for the police. 

Good luck, you’ve got this, you’re a strong person and no one can beat you down without your authority 😘
