How To Raise Confident Kids And Watch Them Grow Into Amazing Adults

How To Raise Confident Kids And Watch Them Grow Into Amazing Adults

When kids are young their confidence is addictive but when they turn into older kids and teenagers opinions of others start affecting their confidence if they surround themselves with the wrong type of people so it’s ultra important for us parents to make sure no one beats them down whatever. 

Everyone is confident beneath the skin but you have to fight for what you want and not what other people want. 

The most important thing is  to be kind to everyone no matter what and if people don’t appreciate it their not the type of people you should be associating yourself with. 

Be very selective who you spend your time with because if they don’t raise you up they will knock you down, and the same applies to your child if they don’t raise friends up they will knock them down and never have any decent friends in their life.

Kindness is key, but also boundaries. 

If people try and force your child to do something they don’t want to do they need to stand up for themselves and say why they don’t want to do it and be open and honest. 
Giving your child responsibility is also a great way to instil confidence giving them a sense of control of their lives but not to get this confused with controlling others which is a big NO NO. 

I hope this has helped and please comment below to give me your thoughts on this matter especially if you have any other tips.

Have a lovely day
Vikki x 
