How To Never Be Poor Again

 Being poor is horrible and no one ever wants to be poor!

I’ve worked in the finance industry for 20+ years and have seen the most lucrative people loose all their money from stupid mistakes. 

Money is like gold and if you don’t look after it, it will dissipate through your fingertips very quickly!!!

You have to cut your expenses as much as you can even if your on £6,000,000 per month or £1,600 per month this is the trick.

Our biggest costs are mortgages, rents and bills so you have to shop around for the best interest rates, smaller house if you have spare rooms and investigate all the money saving options available to you. 

Food is a masssive expense too! And shopping online and getting the cheapest option might not be the most appealing but it will save you a fortune over years. 

I always have staples of pasta, jacket potatoes and fancy them up with lots of veg with garlic, chilli and ginger. Stir fries are always really easy too using cheap vegetables like cabbage, carrots, peppers etc 

If you don’t need that massive 4x4 that costs you £500 in road tax a year get a smaller car or see what electric car deals there are out there and if you own a business there are massive tax incentives that might or might not work for you, ask your accountant! 

Always look for bulk deals in toilet paper, tea bags or what ever you use the most, I have fun doing this with my daughter in the supermarket or online teaching her how supermarkets rip you off!!!! 

Try shopping from end to start in the supermarket so the wine is first and the veg is last, they try and trick you all the time with the “deals” that are at the end of the aisle but all the other similar options are cheaper! 

Beware of the bulk options too, I know I mentioned this earlier but they’ve clocked onto us knowing the bulk options are cheaper so they make them more expensive! 

Use your phone calculator to make sure your not taken the piss out of.

I could go on forever but this is a good start to give to you

Viks x
