How to break up with a narcissist

Breaking up from a narcissist is not easy but all the effort does pay off. 

I’ll tell you my story…

We’d been together  for 24 years have one child and he constantly criticised me every time I opened my mouth, talking to him was impossible. He drank too much and would get violent (not with me but material items) like my work computer!!!! 

I finally met a really nice man that could help get me out of this abusive situation and I took it with a big fat YES 👍 

So I set a sensible date for everyone involved and stuck to my guns…

The day before I hid mine and my child’s passports, laptop, spare car keys, gun etc that was important to me as I now he would try and destroy something! And put it all in the boot of my car. 

On the day I hid all my work computers in the car and drove it to a secret location locked away so he couldn’t destroy the car too!! I had 2 people help me do this (new boyfriend and my dad)

I mentioned to my child I had something to tell her dad and I didn’t want him to smash anything up (she’d witnessed this before so understood) because she’d noticed everything was missing!!! Unlike him!!! 

We had breakfast, washed up and I casually said (not in front of my child) I don’t want to be with you anymore

He said nothing, headed straight to my computers which he’d threatened to punch before and only realised then that they weren’t there. 

When he realised there was nothing to destroy apart from his stuff he stayed quite civil. 

Then my daughter mentioned she needed a pen for school so he took her out to “get the pen”!!! I later found out he’d told her “your mum hates you”! Well that’s just another mess I’ll have to clear up!!!

They came back and there was no sign of packing up so I said “I want you to go today” in anger he packed up and left and when he was leaving I asked for the house key and in anger gave it to me! 

We’re 3 days in, quite a few emotional rollercoasters but easing off and my anxiety has completely gone!!! 

Daughter sleeps in my bed purely so she feels closeness of a loving mum who she can talk too anytime about anything. 

 I’m pretty sure this is it apart from the few items he needs to collect. 

I hope this has helped anyone really to get out of a toxic relationship and move on with life and be happy xxx 😘
