Me Time Ideas For Moms

 Being a mom is a 24/7 full time job so getting “Me Time” seems impossible but guess what it isn’t! 

Set certain times of the day to be “Me Time” and tell the kids and your hubby that there are no distractions at these times. 

My “MeTimes” are 

6:30-7:00am I wake up before everyone else, make myself a cuppa and read a book or play scrabble online

8:15-8:30am after the kids have gone to school I take the dog for a walk

5:00-5:30 after feeding the kids I make myself a nutritious meal (normally salmon and salad) 

9:00-10pm after the kids are in bed I enjoy a movie with a glass of wine 

10pm I go to bed to make sure I get a full 8 hours sleep

Other “Me Time” ideas I do are

Every 8 weeks get my hair done alone

Do a supermarket shop with no kids or hubby 

Sit in the sun for 10 minute breaks

I hope this has helped you get more “Me Time” because we all need it x 
