How to save money each month for your retirement

 If you want to save money each month for your retirement, you need to think of a percentage of your income you can comfortably put a side as soon as you get paid.

 If you put a percentage % away of your take home income you can start a saving budget planner to see where you’ll be in 5, 10 or even 20 years time! 

Here’s an example if you were to put £750 away each month into a savings account… 

Month 1 £750

1 year £9,000

2 years £18,000

3 years £27,000

4 years £36,000

5 years £45,000

Jump to 

10 years £450,000

15 years £675,000

20 years £900,000

Wow that’s pretty impressive heh, so imagine if you could also earn more, get a return on this money by investing and save on your overheads (ie bills by shopping around) you could make this figure huge!!! 

Have a little play around and see what your financial future can look like (include pay rises too!)
