how to get over narcissistic abuse

 I was there so believe me it’s not much fun until you treat it as a bit of fun! 

Looking back everything makes complete sense, I thought I was going mad but everything and I mean everything is a lie and it’s quite rewarding to realise this! 

I also now treat this as a game to spot the narcissist in a relationship and my god they stick out like a sore thumb! 

Before I would question their incentives but now it’s just a big narcissistic game everywhere!!

It’s a great game to play so you don’t get stuck with another one in your next relationship!!!

Just to let you know my mum is a narcissist and my boyfriend was a narcissist and I can’t comprehend the coldness they exert but if you look closer at couples they are literally everywhere

If a narcissist is single you’ll never meet them as no one fucking likes them! I call it CALMA 



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