Quick And Easy Ways To Stop Smoking

Quick And Easy Ways To Stop Smoking

 I dare you to try this!

Have your timer ready on your phone, light up a cigarette and time how long it takes you to light up and get back to work it will amaze you! (I timed myself and it was 4 minutes!)

So imagine how many times you do this is a day, and if you were to replace smoking with lets say push ups how fit and healthier you would feel!! (this is 40 minutes of exercise a day if you smoke 10 cigarettes!)

Imagine the type of body you could have if you did this every day!

SO lets try it, once you have timed your last cigarette, the next time you get a craving do the same amount of exercise instead.

I bet the cravings will slowly go - im going to try this from today and leave my comments, feel free to leave comments too...
