how to stop bulimia cold turkey

 When I was younger I suffered from bulimia, so I know all too well how it affects your every day life! 

First I will tell you my story…

I was brought up in a family that ate 3 large meals a day which was catering for hungry farmers and I dare to say fat farmers too! 

I was forced to eat the generous portions my mother would dish up for me and feel bloody awful afterwards, hence this is where my bulimia life started! 

It was not until I moved out of home and made my own food choices with no outside influences that the bulimia disappeared over night. 

There’s lots of information out there that sayes you have a mental disorder but for me I knew this wasn’t true. 

So my advice if you can resonate with my story is to start making your own food choices from NOW, even if your living at home like I was you can still go cold turkey with your yesterday bulimia. 

So my favourite TOP TIPS are…

  • Don’t let other people choose your meals
  • Don’t let other people dish up your food 
  • Don’t eat processed food
  • Ask yourself before every meal “will I regret eating this” if the answer is yes - do not eat it 
  • Eat lots of fruit, salad & veg 
  • Drink lots of fluids (not alcohol haha) 
If this has helped you go cold turkey with bulimia please comment below, I would love to hear your story and  if I have helped. 

💖 Remember 💖

💖 You are beautiful 💖
💖 Let no one tell you otherwise 💖

Vikki xxx 

