How to Get Motivated to Workout - I Will Make You Fit!

Getting motivated to workout  is so hard when your overweight so it’s easier to loose those extra pounds first and then workout when you feel better about yourself. 

I would suggest seeing a nutritionist to get the extra help you need with your diet.

I personally eat 2/3rds veg and salad and only use meat as a sprinkle to top up the plate, you’ll also feel less bloated if you eat more salad and vegetables. I also avoid all processed foods and go for the natural diet with lean meats, fish and salads. And as a treat some fruits. 

I know all too well that if you feel bad about yourself there is ZERO motivation to workout, so I always loose the pounds first then get fit. 

The other tip I would have is to find a sport you enjoy, I have recently taken up tennis and joined a club and it’s so cool to do the sport with other people, plus you meet loads of new people which is a massive bonus. 

Enjoy your new body lovelies 
