how to deal with an alcoholic spouse

 I know all too well how difficult it is living with an alcoholic spouse. Their unpredictable, you feel like your walking on egg shells and you feel your life is on hold. 

My first advice is , it’s not your fault and you can not change them. The only way there going to change is on their own or with a therapist if you believe in that crap! 

So let’s start with a typical day! Where do I start morning or evening!!! 

They wake up the wrong side of midday, their moody, drink copious amounts of coffee, smoke copious amounts of cigarettes, maybe eat something, then 5pm comes around and their drinking again!!! Need I say more!!! It only stops when they get a job that starts early and they can’t drink at risk of loosing that funding for their habits!!! 

Your life is on hold, you feel imprisoned, you just want FREEDOM RAHHHH

Well this can happen, you just need to be strong. Write a list of projects, fun things to do & go, get up early every morning and just do it. 

You are the creator of your life, no one can tell you how to live it apart from you…. 
