Using Humour As a Coping Mechanism

I use humour as a coping mechanism to make life more bearable!

 I get out of bed and make myself a cuppa tea while my partner sleeps, get back into bed he wakes up and sayes “where’s mine, you only think of yourself” and I respond with “the kettle boiled whilst you were asleep, the next time it boils you’d better be awake”  

Whilst he’s stressing about bloody everything and blaming me for his mistakes I decide to make him a funny face sandwich 

Whilst he’s smoking himself to death I send him  a picture of lung cancer and then a dead person 

He criticises everything I do, I compliment  his behaviour as the “excellent critic, everyone needs” 

Oh my god I could go on forever but using humour as a coping mechanism does reduce your stress and anxiety massively 

Hope this helps! 
