How Can I Give Up Alcohol AT Home - 3 MAGIC TIPS

 How Can I Give Up Alcohol At Home - 3 MAGIC TIPS

1) EMPTY THE HOUSE of your FAVOURITE ALCOHOLIC beverages - you MUST have NONE in the house

2) When you go shopping, you ARE allowed to buy alcohol but ONLY  the ones you HATE! (tip i love white wine and HATE red wine and gin - so i allowed myself the option to buy red wine and Gin. I spent 15 minutes trying to find a nice red wine or a gin and i tell you what i looked at the price and the product and thought to myself what a WASTE OF MONEY for SOMETHING I HATE and walked away with NO ALCOHOL!)

3) The pub is another way to use this strategy, your ONLY ALLOWED ALCOHOL that you HATE. I gave up and ordered a Lime Soda! - My bar bill was £2.20! 

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