How to Stop an Eating Disorder Before it Starts

Eating disorders arise when there is too much food or the wrong food. 

Normally eating disorders start at the age of 12 and can continue through life if you don’t educate your children about food. 

The main reason eating disorders occur is when parents put too much food on their child’s plate and demand they finish it.  This is an extremely common cause and I would say is number one!!!

Another reason can be because they’ve never learnt the 50% vegetables, 25% meat and 25% starch rule which basically means we were designed to mainly eat greenery (which doesn’t make you bloated unlike burgers and chips!) 

The best way to teach a child to love food is to put a few of their favourite vegetables on the plate (cucumber sticks, carrot sticks, maybe a few salad leaves so they get use to it always being there; then let them help themselves  to the meal you have prepared, this way they are only helping themselves to as much as they want and you are not overloading their plate ! 

A great breakfast for kids is to get a bag of frozen berries, defrost and blend with 3 bananas. This makes 5 glasses of smoothies and gets the day started with a healthy mindset. 

Hope this has helped
