how to get motivated to do anything

If you want to get REALLY motivated then you need to liven up your brain and get moving, don’t think about it just do it. 

Turn the music on, get into the right clothes for the job and just do it 

If everyone else is still in bed, pretend their not there and achieve all your goals before midday and feel fucking amazing. 

Here are a few examples that will make you feel fucking amazing 

  1. Clean the fridge
  2. Precook 2 x chickens and put in containers for the week ( you can make curries, salads, sandwiches) 
  3. Make fruit smoothies and put them in the fridge for healthy snacks (frozen berries and bananas & OJ is a really easy recipe)
  4. Clean the kitchen
  5. Clean the living room
  6. Clear away all the dishes 
  7. Paint a room that you’ve been meaning to do 
  8. Buy house plants 🪴 
  9. If you’ve still got time cook everyone a roast dinner 
  10. Now you can relax! 
Let me know if this has helped 
Vikki x 
