Why is my relationship failing

 After months of researching and finding the answer for myself I think! I have come to the conclusion that it comes down to one simple word “connection” well I will reword that for men & women

Women want connection to have sex

Men want sex to connect 

So let’s give it a try any see how it works because I’m sure your like me and don’t want this relationship to fail only to get into another relationship and have the same problem throughout your life! 

METHOD 1 of Vikki’s plan... I would suggest skin touching would be the first port of call say holding hands, kissing his neck, when hugging put your hands under his clothing to feel his skin. 

I’m hoping this will fuse the connection of my relationship and your relationship to start getting back to the way it was 

Let’s say do it for a few days and PLEASE comment below as I would LOVE to hear your stories on trying this method out... 

any new suggestions I will post on this blog 

Vikki x
