how to stop drinking because of anxiety

 I’m not an expert in this field but I am experiencing this in my personal life and it is horrible. 

I have a partner that puts me down every chance he gets and it rips and tears me apart on a daily basis so I use alcohol to numb the REAL feelings! 

I can’t say this was easy but I got rid of every drop of alcohol in the house and started to lectin free diet by dr Gundry to give me something else to focus on and become more healthy. 

It’s only been a week and he still throws psychological abuse at me but I don’t care as these are his feelings not mine. 

I’m now eating lots of berries, lean meat and kale and have been alcohol free for one week not amazing but it’s a start, I must admit I tried a glass of red wine last night and it was discusting but I will keep you updated if I relapse but I think if I don’t let him get to me there is no need for alcohol unless it’s my birthday or Christmas or something genuine to celebrate. 

My head is so much clearer and to be honest I think he is finding it hard dealing with someone that doesn’t respond to his childish comments anymore. 

If this helps you understand my situation, these are the comments I get on a daily basis...

Why are you doing it that way?

Your doing it wrong

Why can’t you do it properly 

That’s a terrible way of doing it

Why are you so annoying

What’s wrong with you  ( at least 10 times a day)

Did you do that to annoy me

Your just like your mother (in a bad way) mentions the faults 

Why can’t you just be normal

Your never wrong

Why don’t you ever apologise

I could go on for ever but I hope this helps your situation and makes you understand your are amazing, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Lots of hugs

Viks x 
