How To Feel Happy Again - DO THIS

 You are only as happy as the people you surround yourself with, so if your talking to someone that is pessimistic, blames people and is downright rude - GET THEM OUT OF YOUR LIFE TODAY, or ignore them completely 

Today is your day and if that person doesn’t make you smile, move on to the next, and if that person doesn’t make you smile move on to the next and carry on until you have a very short list of friends  that are just crazily fun 

Video call at least 1 friend a day and just have a laugh and chat, you’ll soon find yourself feeling happier. 

The next stage if your feeling adventurous is to start a really fun hobby or project, paint the house, landscape the garden. The main thing here is not to keep busy but to make change in your life, if we’re stagnant... we’re dead!!! 

I hope this article helped

Love you peeps x 

