How to start feeling good about yourself again

 If you want to start feeling good about yourself again you need to stop letting other people control your life. This can happen in many forms from a bad boss, bullying partner and controlling parents. 

Take yourself out of the situation and think how you would prefer the situation to feel like. 

Let’s say you do amazing work but for some reason your boss keeps trying to find problems with your work. They are doing this for a reason but you don’t know why!.  I hate to say this but the best thing to do here is find another job with people YOU LIKE whilst still working for this idiot and leave as soon as possible. 

If your partner is bullying you, you need to stop this straight away this is unacceptable behaviour but I completely understand the financial ties of a relationship and this is a lot easier said than done! If your financially independent this probably is not happening to you and they are using the money to control you but you need to be financially free in life to be happy or you will always be controlled by other people. 

Start a side huddle, anything but start your journey to financial freedom today and take back control of your life. 

If your parents are controlling you let it go, let it go, let it go your an adult now no more mummy and daddy in this big world it’s just you and your ambitions... 

Start feeling good today by taking back In small steps control of your life...

You got this gal 

